Client Services (Including Legal Aid)Care of Children

Care of Children

We deal with Court matters involving the primary care and contact of children, including any grandparents seeking contact.
We also cover guardianship issues such as disputes over proposed schools, medical treatment, non-removal from NZ or the local area and relocation.

Oranga Tamariki / Child Youth and Family Services (CYFS)

Where Oranga Tamariki becomes involved, we support parents through applications for access and/or compliance with Oranga Tamariki plans, with a view to reuniting  children with families where possible.


Where the biological father of a child is under the age of 6 is unknown or unclear, we can apply to the Family Court on your behalf to determine either a positive or negative result in this area.

Family Violence

We assist victims where protection order applications need to be made, urgent or otherwise.
We also generally assist with a defence of final orders where temporary orders have been made.




Westmoreland Family Law


family with child
Supporting Victims Of Violence
Supporting Suicide Prevention

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Client Services
